It's been awfully quiet around here...

...but a lot has been going on behind the scenes. First and foremost, I'm working on a website redesign that will get around the current 15 store item limit I've been running into. The major change is going to be that products will be listed by fiber type instead of by colorway. You'll be able to go to specific pages for BFL, Cheviot, Shetland, etc and see all the colors that are available on those fibers at that particular time. I'm hoping this will make things a bit easier for those of you looking for specific wools, and enable me to list more products at one time, thereby giving all of you more options of colors to purchase!

The second upcoming event is the Tour de Fleece (run from the Ravelry group here), which starts on 29th June. I will be having a sale, starting next Tuesday (4th of June) with all fibers 10% off from now until the end of the Tour de France, which is the 21st of July. So that gives you plenty of time to stock up!

The third upcoming event I've been working on is still under wraps for a little while longer, but I will say this: it involves yarn, teams, and a pub. Those of you in London (or who might be convinced to come to London for a day of yarny fun) should keep an eye out for an announcement soon!